At Flutterwave, I am on the Web Experience team, working on,, and the entire web presence of the company. I also led design and development of the Flutterwave Careers microsite, the Flutterwave Blog, and the Flutterwave Design website. I built the new Flutterwave payment link web app as well, which is used by thousands of people to receive payments across the globe.
A daily word puzzle game where you guess a 5-letter word given two AI-generated hints.
A web app for sending heartfelt letters to loved ones 💌
A wee project that shows the song I'm currently listening to on Spotify. I built this site with Darasimi.
The website for a book about two brothers navigating their passions and life’s challenges.
An online radio and web gallery. A collaboration between myself and Yinka Bernie.
I contracted for a short while with Paystack, where I worked with the design team on the design & development of Paystack commerce landing page & Paystack Music.
A marker-based Augmented Reality experiment where a little blue bird flies around popping balloons. I built this with C# using Unity & Vuforia.
My Year in Review for 2019.
A curation of awesome web and interactive experiences.
A 2D WebGL pong game.
A minimalist 2D game where you traverse the mind of a troubled man.